The novel Matilda (or Matilda, depending of how the title is translated in different countries) is a book written by Roald Dahl in 1988, but, despite having been published from so long time, remains a classic for children, that is a book for elementary classes as summer reading. I remember reading it found thanks to this initiative that they had my former teachers (and, moreover, I think it's a good idea, they should do in all schools, especially with the new generations of kids super technology that should discover the magic of reading) and I saw him again, or re-read, recently, a few months at most, finding it still funny as the first time.
It is a fantasy, set in a small town any. I did not feel it should label it as urban fantasy because this, at least in my opinion, far above all the fantastic stories that happen in big cities, like New York rather than London rather than Washington, etc ...
Roald Dahl (1916-1990) was British writer, known for his novels ubiquitous childhood. In 1920 his father died; the mother decides to stay in Wales. Here's childhood was marked by Roald severity imparted in colleges attended, but also by the joy family, reported in the book Boy. He decided not to subscribe to the University, but he traveled, and for four years he worked in Kenya and Tanzania; in 1939 he joined the Royal Air Force, but after a series of accidents he was allowed to return home. In 1942 he began his career as a writer for children, and in 1953 he married the actress Patricia Neal, and they had five children. He died of leukemia at age 74.
Matilde has learned to read at three years, and four have already devoured all the books in the public library. When, therefore, begins to attend the first grade is bored so that intelligence has to uscirle somewhere; thus, the exit from the eyes. The eyes of Matilda glow red, and from them it emanates a magical power that will overcome the wicked director Breakintwo, which to punish pupils likes to lock them up in a closet full of nails, the Stozzatoio, or use them to train the hammer throw Olympic, twirling girls by the hair and throwing them away. But the intelligence and culture will win the stupidity, arrogance and wickedness.
"Fathers and mothers are weirdos"
My rewiew:
I love it as Roald Dahl manages to make you mount the anger inside for the duration of the book, and that's what's happening here: from the first page there is you hope you Matilde rebels and that changes everything in her life, views her enormous potential, but it does not, at least not at first. The author, in my opinion, wanted to point out that perhaps even violently react immediately to something that is not right in our lives, most of the time may be wrong, so Matilde also needs a support, someone (in this case the teacher) that aid in making decisions and addresses to a straight path. Of course, not always, indeed, most of the time, this does not happen in real life, but it is a book written for a small audience, so it is fitting that the little we can derive hope from this small but great protagonist that will revolutionize itself .
Then, the plot does not say, but in addition to the manager (who is called Breakintwo and I swear that I have begun to hate from the first time it is described, because she causes so much irritation that comes naturally) there are also parents that, without beating about the bush, they are morons, but that's okay, because the world is not all perfect, and we are responsible parents and parents morons. With this book, for young and old, Roald Dahl draws a realistic picture of his years on the company and on this little girl or boy or whatever you want to call, you will fall in love at first word.
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