mercoledì 30 settembre 2015

Memories of a Geisha-rewiew★★★★☆

Memories of a Geisha.
I think this is one of the most beautiful books about the East that I've ever read. Moves from front to back, fascinated from the cover to the  acknowledgments.
Published in 1997, it is a historical novel, as is the story of a geisha in Kyoto before and during the years of World War II (historical period, moreover, interested me very much).
Arthur Golden is the writer of this delightful opera; He was born in Chattanooga in 1956, with his debut novel introduced the world to a wonderful glimpse of the Japanese world, something really new for me, which is based on the life of a famous geisha, Mineko Iwasaki.
Golden was even denounced for putting her name in writing of this in the acknowledgments, and had to pay a large sum of money. The woman, however, will never be fully repaid for the emotional damage that this has caused the book, for which he also received death threats.

Surrounded by a kind of mystery, geishas have always exercised on an almost irresistible with us. But who are in reality these women? All questions that elicit these legendary figures, Arthur Golden responded with a novel, deeply documented retaining the immediacy and excitement of a true story. What does being a geisha so we learn from the voice of Sayuri who tells his story: childhood, abduction, training, discipline-all events that, against the backdrop of Japan's 900, they conduct to become the most famous and sought geisha. A compelling and poignant novel, crowned by an extraordinary portrait of a lady and her unforgettable voice.

"Maybe you're a bit too beautiful
to be able to see the beauty elsewhere. "

"I do not like to see me offer
those who can not have. "

"Now I know that our world is so unstable
as a wave that rises
in the ocean. "

Oh! Finally I went back to review.
I missed that so much.
And I decided to continue with this book, cabbage, took me right away.
Meanwhile, until I saw how old he was the author, I would have given the years that he finds himself, because as written, looks like a young man, not a man of his age, which, let's face it, is no longer the flower of the age. Truly, his writing is fluent, although it is not an argument in itself easy to deal with so much light, as it does here, instead.
I liked above all because the East has always fascinated me since and, knowing how little, are "pushed" to read books about this beautiful continent, the continent of mystery. Then, of course, I was fascinated to discover so many things about the geishas, ​​who before did not even know; I tell you, the book I liked it so much I wanted to see the movie right away (which, needless to say, is a real shit, but if you have not read the book you will love the same).
I gave it four stars out of five because the final part (say the last quarter of the book) was heavy to read, and even a bit unsettling, because a lot of things happen in a short time and then the pace you had taken during the first three quarters of the book is upset, and really do not understand almost anything, so it's better to say that you understand everything a double take.
I think that the writer wanted to put a twist on the final, but failed to make it well, it seemed like it happened a fact like any other, in fact, after this the story continues as normal as if nothing had happened. Here, the only reason I gave it four stars, but the book really deserves to be read.
Again, a wonderful window of opportunity on Japan, who fall in love.


martedì 29 settembre 2015

Memorie di una Geisha-recensione★★★★☆

Memorie di una Geisha.
Penso che questo sia uno tra i più bei libri riguardanti l'Oriente che io abbia mai letto. Emoziona dalla prima all'ultima pagina, affascina dalla copertina ai ringraziamenti.
Pubblicato nel 1997, si tratta di un romanzo storico, in quanto tratta la storia di una Geisha di Kyoto durante e prima gli anni della Seconda Guerra Mondiale (periodo storico che, oltretutto, mi ha interessato moltissimo).
Arthur Golden è lo scrittore di questa delizia d'opera; nato in Chattanooga nel 1956, con il suo romanzo d'esordio ha presentato al mondo uno splendido spiraglio del mondo giapponese, un qualcosa di veramente nuovo, per me, che si basa sulla vita di una famosa Geisha, Mineko Iwasaki. 
Golden è stato addirittura denunciato per aver messo il nome per iscritto di questa nei ringraziamenti, e le dovette pagare un'ingente somma di denaro. La donna però, non verrà mai ripagata del tutto per il danno emotivo che questo libro le ha arrecato, per il quale ha anche ricevuto minacce di morte.

Circondate da un'aura di mistero, le geishe hanno sempre esercitato sugli occidentali un'attrazione quasi irresistibile. Ma chi sono in realtà queste donne? A tutte le domande che queste figure leggendarie suscitano, Arthur Golden ha risposto con un romanzo, profondamente documentato che conserva tutta l'immediatezza e l'emozione di una storia vera. Che cosa significa essere una geisha lo apprendiamo così dalla voce di Sayuri che ci racconta la sua storia: l'infanzia, il rapimento, l'addestramento, la disciplina-tutte le vicende che, sullo sfondo del Giappone del '900, l'hanno condotta a diventare la geisha più famosa e ricercata. Un romanzo avvincente e toccante, coronato da uno straordinario ritratto femminile e dalla sua voce indimenticabile.

"Forse sei un po' troppo splendida
per riuscire a vedere il bello altrove."

"Non mi piace vedermi offrire
chi non posso avere."

"Ora so che il nostro mondo è tanto instabile
quanto un'onda che si innalza
in mezzo all'oceano."

Oh! Finalmente sono tornata a recensire. 
Mi mancava veramente tanto.
E ho deciso di riprendere proprio con questo libro che, cavolo, mi ha presa fin da subito. 
Intanto, fino a quando non ho visto quanti anni avesse l'autore, io non gli avrei dato gli anni che si ritrova, perché da come scrive, sembra un giovane, non un  uomo della sua età, che, diciamolo pure, non è più nel fior fiore degli anni. Veramente, il suo modo di scrivere è fluente, anche se non è un argomento in sé facile da trattare con così tanta leggerezza, come avviene qui, invece.
Mi è piaciuto prima di tutto perché l'Oriente mi ha fin da sempre affascinata e, sapendone poco, sono "spinta" a leggere libri che parlano di questo bellissimo continente, del continente del mistero. Poi, ovviamente, mi ha affascinato scoprire così tante cose sulle geishe, che prima nemmeno conoscevo; vi dico, il libro mi è piaciuto così tanto che ho voluto vedere subito il film (che, inutile dirlo, è una vera merda, ma se non avete letto il libro vi piacerà lo stesso).
Ho dato quattro stelle su cinque perché la parte finale (diciamo l'ultimo quarto del libro) è stato pesante da leggere, e anche un po' destabilizzante, anche perché succedono tantissime cose in poco tempo e quindi il ritmo che avevi preso prima durante gli altri tre quarti del libro si sconvolge, e veramente non si capisce quasi niente, anzi è meglio dire che si capisce tutto a scoppio ritardato. 
Penso che lo scrittore volesse inserire un colpo di scena sul finale, ma non è riuscito a renderlo bene, sembrava che fosse successo un fatto come un altro, infatti dopo questo la storia continua normalmente come se non fosse successo niente. Ecco, solo per questo ho dato quattro stelle, ma il libro merita veramente di essere letto. 
Ripeto, uno splendido spiraglio sul Giappone, che fa innamorare.


mercoledì 16 settembre 2015

Il posto che cercavo-recensione★☆☆☆☆

Ciao ciao amici,
il libro di oggi, dopo una giornata di scuola è Il posto che cercavo, di Nicholas Sparks (ancora!), uscito nelle librerie italiane e americane nel 2005. Si tratta quindi di una storia recente, infatti è ambientata ai giorni correnti, ma non si può dire che sia un libro in sé nuovo, infatti dal 2005 le opere di Sparks sono ben sette, con ultima pubblicazione La risposta è nelle stelle, da cui è stato tratto l'adattamento cinematografico.
Si tratta sempre di genere romantico (donne sentimentali, fatevi avanti), ma è più pesante e lento nello svolgimento rispetto ad altri dello stesso autore.
Il profilo dell'autore lo potete trovare sulle precedenti recensioni Il meglio di me e L'ultima canzone.

Jeremy Marsh, famoso giornalista dello Scientific American, parte in missione da New York per condurre un'inchiesta sui fenomeni paranormali che si verificano a Boone Creek, tranquilla cittadina del North Carolina. E' lì che incontra Lexie Darnell, la libraia del paese: una tipica bellezza del Sud che dietro l'aspetto seducente e solare nasconde i ricordi di un'infanzia dolorosa. Orfana di entrambi i genitori, è cresciuta allevata dai nonni materni. Per Jeremy è un colpo di fulmine. Dopo la fine del suo matrimonio con Maria, durato solo due anni, è la prima volta che sente battere forte il cuore semplicemente guardando una donna negli occhi.
Scorge in quegli occhi violetti la stessa palpitante emozione, ma ha solo una settimana di tempo per investigare sugli strani fatti che accadono a Boone Creek. Solo una settimana per vincere le paure che Lexie gli confida riguardo ai suoi rapporti con gli uomini, dopo una grande passione finita male. Sarà per questa ragione che all'improvviso scompare senza lasciare tracce? In sua assenza Jeremy è assalito dai dubbi. Sospetta di essere stato preso in giro e non soltanto riguardo ai sentimenti; Lexie infatti sembra avergli taciuto importanti informazioni riguardo la sua indagine...

"E finché i due tenevano fede alla propria parte di patto,
tutto filava liscio."

"E poi, con una tenerezza che gli straziò il cuore,
lo abbracciò stretto.

"Le donne vogliono una storia da favola."

Dopo Un cuore in silenzio, questo è il secondo libro che meno preferisco tra tutti quelli scritti da Nicholas Sparks. Non perché la storia sia brutta (o meglio, sì, anche per quello, ma non in particolare), ma soprattutto per il fatto che lo stile con cui è scritto questo libro non è lo stesso che Sparks ha usato nei suoi migliori libri, e questa cosa si nota. Poi, vabbeh, la storia è sempre quella stessa monotona storiella d'amore tra i due che s'incontrano e (ovviamente) hanno un colpo di fulmine e in una settimana riescono a combinarne di tutti i colori che neanche Kandinsky.
L'ho trovato banale e non mi ha lasciato niente di cui valga la pena parlare. E' carino/simpatico/decente, ma non regge il confronto con molti altri suoi libri.


martedì 15 settembre 2015

The best of me-rewiew★★★★☆

The best of me is a novel published in America in 2011 and in Italy a year later by Frassinelli, author Nicholas Sparks.
The genre is romance, of course, so it is a book aimed primarily at a female audience because it's a love story really "owwww", and if I say that I have nothing romantic about it takes.
Nicholas Sparks, born in 1965, is an American writer. His novels are often set in North Carolina and have as main themes fate, faith and God.

In spring 1984, they attended high school, Amanda and Dawson were in love: deeply, irrevocably. Although they belonged to two different worlds, their love seemed so great as to defy the rules of life of Oriental, North Carolina town where they grew up. Dawson, marked by the violence of his family, he thought that the feeling for Amanda would redeem from a destiny of loneliness and unhappiness. For her, Dawson was a free spirit and passionate, all his strict upbringing of perfect girl had denied. But at the end of that last summer, and unpredictable as a lightning storm in August, their paths were sharply divided. Now, twenty years later, Amanda and Dawson are found in Oriental for the funeral of Tuck, the old friend that once gave shelter to their youthful passion. Neither has had the life that he hoped... and neither has forgotten the first shocking love that had changed them forever. While performing the last wishes of Tuck, he expressed in three letters, discovered in those pages unthinkable truth of those who stayed, who is gone and especially how they relate.

"Please... do not ask me to come away with you,
because in that case would accept. "

"I want to wake up with you in the morning,
I want to spend the evenings watching you sitting in front of me. "

This book I really liked, was also the first I've read of Sparks and also the best. Obviously, I got to know this author only thanks to a friend who educated me very kindly lent (
Start with the things that I did not like: nothing.
The book I liked everything, but I did not give it five stars because it is not to the levels of Romeo and Juliet or The Chronicles of Narnia, but that's my opinion.
I assure you that at the end of the book will take a definite position on the fact on which side you are: if those who worship Amanda or with those who hate her. I tell you already that I am on the side of hatred for that woman because it inspires me only this feeling and nothing else. But I can to share with you more because otherwise it will spoil the ending and it would be a shame, but I want to know what is your position on this, if you've already read it, since it is interesting to know what you think.
So, here I end my review, I hope you have involved; if you are not sure you want to see the point of buying it, I suggest you borrow it in the library, so if you do not like it you can return, otherwise... you return the same. No, just kidding. Otherwise if you enjoyed it seriously (as I'm sure you will) then I would say you might even to buy it. 


Il meglio di me-recensione★★★★☆

Il meglio di me (The best of me) è un romanzo pubblicato in America nel 2011 e in Italia un anno più tardi da Frassinelli di Nicholas Sparks.
Il genere è romanzo rosa, ovviamente, ed è quindi un libro rivolto principalmente ad un pubblico femminile perché è una storia d'amore veramente "owwww", e se lo dico io che di romantico non ho niente ce ne vuole.
Nicholas Sparks, nato nel 1965, è uno scrittore statunitense. I suoi romanzi sono spesso ambientati in North Carolina e hanno come temi principali il destino, la fede e Dio.

Nella primavera del 1984, quando frequentavano il liceo, Amanda e Dawson si erano innamorati: profondamente, irrevocabilmente. Nonostante appartenessero a due mondi opposti, il loro amore sembrava tanto grande da sfidare le regole della vita di Oriental, la cittadina del North Carolina dove erano cresciuti. Dawson, segnato dalla violenza della sua famiglia, pensava che il sentimento per Amanda lo avrebbe riscattato da un destino di solitudine e infelicità. Per lei, Dawson era uno spirito libero e appassionato, tutto quello che la sua rigida educazione di ragazza perfetta le aveva negato. Ma alla fine di quell'ultima estate, imprevedibile e fulminea come un temporale d'agosto, le loro strade si erano bruscamente divise. Ora, ventuno anni dopo, Amanda e Dawson si ritrovano a Oriental per il funerale di Tuck, il vecchio amico che un tempo aveva dato rifugio alla loro giovane passione. Nessuno dei due ha avuto la vita che sperava... e nessuno dei due ha dimenticato il primo sconvolgente amore che li aveva cambiati per sempre. Mentre eseguono le ultime volontà di Tuck, espresse in tre lettere, scoprono in quelle pagine verità impensabili su chi è rimasto, chi se n'è andato e soprattutto sul loro legame.

"Ti prego...non chiedermi di venire via con te,
perché in tal caso accetterei."

"Voglio svegliarmi con te al mio fianco la mattina,
voglio trascorrere le serate guardandoti seduta di fronte a me."

Questo libro mi è piaciuto molto, inoltre è stato il primo che ho letto di Sparks ed anche il migliore. Ovviamente, sono arrivata a conoscere questo autore solo grazie ad un'amica molto acculturata che me l'ha gentilmente prestato (
Inizio con le cose che non mi sono piaciute: nessuna.
Del libro mi è piaciuto tutto, ma non ho dato cinque stelle perché non è ai livelli di Romeo e Giulietta o Le cronache di Narnia, a mio parere.
Vi assicuro che al termine del libro prenderete una posizione definita sul fatto da quale parte state: se con quelli che adorano Amanda o con quelli che la odiano. Vi dico già che io sto dalla parte dell'odio per quella donna perché mi ispira solo questo sentimento e nient'altro. Ma non posso rendervi partecipi di altro perché altrimenti vi rovinerei il finale e sarebbe un peccato, ma ci tengo a sapere qual'è la vostra posizione in merito, se l'avete già letto, dal momento che è interessante sapere ciò che pensate. 
Quindi, io finisco qui la mia recensione, spero vi abbia interessati; se non siete sicuri di volerlo leggere al punto di comprarlo, vi consiglio di prenderlo in prestito in biblioteca, così se non vi piace lo potete restituire, altrimenti...lo restituite lo stesso. No, scherzo. Altrimenti se vi è piaciuto sul serio (come sono sicura che sarà) allora direi che potreste perfino comprarvelo. Ciao!


lunedì 14 settembre 2015

The evolution of Calpurnia-rewiew★★★☆☆

Today I review The Evolution of Calpurnia.
The book was published by Bloomsbury in 2011 and has 285 pages in all.
It is a novel, suitable for all the children and/or young people fascinated by science.
The author is Jacqueline Kelly, born in New Zealand. Raised in Canada, now he lives in Texas, including the cities of Austin and the campaign of Fentress. The Evolution of Calpurnia is his first novel, which won, among many other awards, the Newbery Honor, has dominated the charts in America and Spain, where he was called "the missing link between Mark Twain and Charles Darwin", and it is being published in fourteen countries, from Japan to Portugal.

In the warm season lawns parched Texas, Calpurnia can not help but notice that the yellow locusts are much, much larger than the green grasshoppers. Why? They are two different species? Calpurnia has heard of the book by a certain Darwin, explaining the origin of species.
Maybe you can find that book in the public library?
Yes, but the librarian does not want to show it to him. Never mind, that book is also at home: in the study of his grandfather, the freethinker family. Accompanied by his grandfather and forbidden book, Calpurnia manages to discover the secrets of the different species of animals, water and earth. He will also discover herself.

"Ah. Bed, book, kitten, sandwich. Do not need anything else in life, really."

"At one time he owned an old crow, named Edgar Allan Crow."

This book was given to me long ago by my brother's birthday.
I think I read it in three days or less, still I liked it, because it is simple yet serious. At first I was a little 'critical, because the cover looked as though they had a children's book. But then I started reading it and I was not fascinated because it would say a word exaggerated, but I would say surprise.
The book is about, in a nutshell, this girl who understands what he wants to do in his life; since it is set in the last years of the nineteenth century, that means he does not want to stay home and wash and cook and bake a dozen children, or even yes, regarding the last point, but what I really want to do is naturalist. But the society of that time does not allow her to find out what concerns Darwin and evolution, expecting that all women are in fact home to wash and bake children, considering them inferior.
I stra-liked the main character, or Calpurnia, because it travels upstream and shows others what we're made us women. Although it's still a little girl knows what she wants to do and does not care of those who say that it should stay at home, to learn how to be a good wife, mother and housewife. How many times have we heard address this message, albeit with different words? "No, you should not do that school, it would be better you went to attend this offers you more opportunities." or "You should go to church, you do not fit you to grow without a creed.". People here, people here who tell you what to do with your life.

Some say it's for your own good if they try to give you directions in this way, but it is not true. People who tell you so they just want to cut the legs of your dreams, and it is this that book speaks, the dreams.
And how, if batches, you can get to crowning.


Me before You-rewiew★★★★☆

Hello everyone!
Yesterday, having gone to Venice to Peggy's Guggenheim Collection, I have not had time to connect to the Internet and write a review, but I had more than enough time while traveling roundtrip to finish a book of which I had already mentioned something, Me before you by Jojo Moyes.
The book was published by Mondadori in 2012, so it is a recent book that only in recent years I found in the library, where I got it. At first it inspired me, the plot is located in "wings" or "flaps" it is not at all exciting, but since I have already read almost half the library and I have left in essence are the theological texts, I decided to take this and immerse myself in reading, hoping to have something to tell my trusted readers on the blog. And, actually, I have a lot to tell, but before the technical part.
This is a young adults, a book for teenagers but also adults who want to try reading something new and more challenging than the morning paper.
The author and Jojo Moyes (specifically that it is a woman, because I also thought it was the beginning of the opposite sex), born and raised in London. Writer and journalist, he worked for ten years at the Independent before turning to writing. Currently it is a of the most successful writers in England.
His novels have always topped the charts and successful history between critics and audiences. I before you is the book most votes in the history of "Richard and Judy Book Club" (which I recommend you visit).
The author currently lives in Essex with her husband and three children.

At twenty-six Louisa Clark knows exactly how many steps there are between the bus stop and home. Know she likes to be a waitress in a local unpretentious in the small resort town where she was born and from which it never move, and probably, deep in his heart, he also knows that it is not really in love with Patrick, the boy which he is engaged for almost seven years. What we do not know is who is going to lose their jobs and who, for the first time, all his certainties are questioned.
At thirty-five, Will Traynor knows the terrible accident of which he was the victim took his will to live. He knows that nothing can be as before, and knows exactly how to end this suffering. What we do not know is that Lou is going to burst powerfully in his life bringing with it an explosion of youth, extravagance and colorful clothes.

"We can only help those who want to be helped."

"I want him alive.
But I want him to live if he want it.
If not, if we force him to keep going,
no matter how much we love him:
become only the other assholes that prevent him from making his choices. "

"The world has shrunk to me and him."

Despite the sentences that you can read above, the book is not at all mushy or overly romantic, in fact I really liked because it is spread over a sarcastic and biting a man who believes no longer have anything in the world to live .
Although he has written that it is a kind young adults (and is not) I am still quite convinced it is, from a certain point of view, an argumentative text; book reports, on paper, a discussion that has long gets criticism, positive and negative. It is the fact that you can decide to leave, to ethics, to a terminally ill patient conscious, or a person with no chance to recover from trauma resulting from accidents, suicide, with the consent of the people close to end their suffering. In the story there are two contrasting parts of the protagonist: the part that loves Will and would not want to let it go and so is opposed to leaving him to kill, and the part that is manifested in the last part of the book of knowledge of what Will proof of what can no longer do and what he can not accept.
The characters, the more in view of the history, have their own thesis on the topic. For example, the mother of Louisa knows that would never leave but instead would be opposed with all his strength to this practice, because, he says, help someone kill himself, albeit for his own good, it is to be considered as a murder. Nathan, however, the medical assistant of Will says the phrase that I quoted earlier, that if a person can not do it over and know that it'll never make it, it's just that it can have the right to choose to get better, albeit with death.
The book is then, through a story, but it could also be true, this great question: right or not right? A sensitive issue that is not yet exhausted, but on the contrary, is treated in a gentle, human with its errors and mistakes, but also with heroism and selflessness. A book that made me cry for the last thirty pages so much that I had swollen eyes and thick with tears and I treated everyone badly because of my deep involvement in history; I assure you, the end will not be able to detach yourself from the pages, you'll have to finish it completely and the end, but now will not surprise you because deep down you've already figured out the review, it will move you.
A book suitable for all adolescents, especially for the most serious and curious, but also for adults, a gift that certainly will remain engraved in people who will read it, as it happened to me. Let us take you to the bottom of history, not so much for the things that happen to us, but more for the message loud and deep giving.
I do not regret ever having read it.
A sad story.
But maybe not.


Romeo and Juliet-rewiew★★★★★

Hello everyone.
That is the first work that really deserves five stars out of five, the famous play by William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet.
Made famous as a profoundly tragic love story, the book was composed between 1594 and 1596, and has become the archetype of the perfect love, but opponents of the company.
It is a tragedy; this literature focuses on the story of the protagonist questions about good and evil, about life, about God or other deities, staging the problems of man in society and its relations with others. Originally it was the Greek theater scene in honor of the god Dionysus, but have since evolved, in the seventeenth century and the classical era.
William Shakespeare, author that survives in the time, was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in 1564 and died sixty-two years later and in the same city in 1616. Of his hand were received 154 sonnets, 37 plays and a series of other poems. He was able to combine a poetic refined and profound philosophy, and although it was popular during his lifetime, became extremely popular after his death, and his works, his works were celebrated and enhanced by important personalities of the following centuries. It is still considered the most representative poet of English literature.

Plot First Act:
A fight between the Montecchi and the Capuleti in the streets of Verona is interrupted by the prince, who makes disperse the crowd. This is then presented a noble earl, Paride, asked the hand of Juliet, which he was granted because the girl, yet fourteen, is considered too young, but is still pushing to think about the proposal received.
Romeo, is instead in love with Rosaline, a girl "ghost" what is not described; he went, with his cousin and a friend, the party of the Capuleti, enemies of his own family to see this girl. But the party meets Juliet and a few words that to ignite the love between them and encourage them to exchange a kiss.

Plot Second Act:
Romeo goes to the garden of the Capuleti and here he meet for the first time with Juliet in secret, on the famous balcony; here the two declare their love and decide to marry.
The next day, in secret, Friar Lawrence celebrates the ceremony.

Plot Third Act:
Things fall when Tybalt, Juliet's cousin, challenges Romeo to a duel and he hit him. It comes the prince, that banishment the young; shortly after Juliet learns of the affair, and, desperate, she asks the nurse to bring the beloved a ring and request to meet her for a final farewell. They manage to spend a whole night of love and then, the song of the lark, they separate. Paride, meanwhile, asked for the umpteenth time the hand of Juliet, and the wedding will be decided on Thursday.
Juliet learns this news and refuses, but feigning repentance, says to go to confession to Friar Lawrence.

Plot Fourth Act:
Friar Laurence devises a solution to the drama, which is to provide a mixture that will make Juliet appear dead for forty-eight hours, then wake up and find Romeo at his side waiting for her. Meanwhile, the brother will send a comrade with information for Romeo.

Plot Fifth Act:
Romeo learns from the servant Balthasar the death of Juliet, and believing that his beloved has fallen asleep forever, commits suicide near his tomb. Juliet wakes up, but seeing her lover lifeless beside her, kills herself with a dagger.
The story brings the two families, the Montecchi and the Capuleti, to establish peace and live in harmony.

"O Romeo, Romeo,
wherefore are thou, Romeo? "

"The danger is more in your eyes than in twenty their swords:
if you look at me with kindness, I will be strong against their hatred. "

"Who has not had an injury,
laughs of who bears the signs. "

"Eyes, look your last,
arms tighten it last hug,
and lips, you doors of breath,
sealed a pact with timeless death
that takes away everything. "

I was shocked by this book took so lightly.
For lightly I do not mean that it's ignored but, on the contrary, is enhanced by all, even by those who have never read but anyway, to "goose", as they say in my house, go around saying that It is a work, etc, etc ...
Before read it, I left with thinking "Okay, this work is important, but the end is just a love affair gone bad.". Eventually, though, I'm the one fascinated by the book, while many who flattered him before reading it (in my opinion ruining final impression) are the ones who have enjoyed less.
It's so touching to read of such a great love but, for twist of fate, only lasted three days. Shakespeare was a master in the art of writing, and although it is a difficult read and follow carefully, I have "eaten" the two hundred pages or what they were in 0.2 seconds.
It's a story that lasts, that never gets old and that, absolutely, never dies.

Deeply moved,

The solitude of prime numbers-rewiew★★★★☆

Good morning and good Monday to all!
Today, as I had anticipated, I review The solitude of prime numbers, a book that I think is a real pearl, by Paolo Giordano.
Published in 2008 by Mondadori, the book received the accolades Strega (most prestigious literary award in Italy and known in Europe) and Campiello (which is delivered to Venice, the Doge's Palace and the Gran Teatro La Fenice).
The stories are set in Turin between the eighties and the two thousand, twenty years of storytelling, which is divided into chapters also divided into years or sometimes decades.
It is a Buildungsroman (remember, caused by the build + roman) records so that the changes (both physical and psychological) of the two protagonists in the course of their existence and continuous transformation of them, if you can define it like this, report.
Paolo Giordano, born in 1982, is a writer and Italian physicist. At twenty-six is ​​the youngest author to be awarded the Premio Strega, and also won, in addition to this, the literary prize Merck Serono (acknowledgment, essays and novels that have connections between science and literature). In 2008 The solitude of prime numbers was the best selling book in Italy, with more than a million copies sold.

Alice is a seven year old girl forced by her father to attend ski school. And a morning of thick fog, separated from his companions, she gets wets. Humiliated, she tries to get down, but ends off the track and breaks a leg.
Mattia is instead a very intelligent child, but he has a sister, Michela, delayed. Her presence humiliates Mattia in front of his comrades, and so, the first time a companion invites them both to his birthday, Mattia leaves Michela in the park, with the promise that she will wait. But in that park, the mate will be lost forever.
The lives of Mattia and Alice will cross, and become teenagers, young people and then adults.

"He knew all the violence
It was enclosed in the accuracy of a detail. "

"He and Alice were like twin primes.
but not enough to really touching them. "

I think this is one of the most beautiful books I have ever read.
First of all, it is not a banal story. Whatever they tell you, and as you might like, The fault in our stars (better known as "Okey? Okey.") Is a story very, very trivial. From the first pages you understand all the history that still need to read and it was patently obvious that one of two died. Because, nowadays, living the ideal that if at least one person in a book dies, then it is not a drama. Well, Paolo Giordano is able to demonstrate that it is not: in his book, nobody died of two main protagonists, namely Mattia and Alice, but still a something dramatic. A dramatic novel, to be such, must not only have a sad ending, but must have structure, characters and environments that advises throughout the book, an atmosphere of sadness, and even rejection of life, and with this book the author It succeeded in full.
It 'a book that explores the life with rawness and sincerity, based on the life of these two boys, who were threatened by life as a child. The reading goes on sliding, there are no obstacles, but from page 152, right in the middle of the whole book, which has 304, there are thirty pages boring and treated also with more superficial than any other, but, a once passed, the story resumes with the same smoothness earlier. I loved how that story because it is not so heartbreaking, but leaves you shocked already on the first pages, when I was wondering what I was reading (if you try to give it a look you'll understand). It is not a story of some kind of originality, but in its simplicity, Giordano was able to give a touch, just enough, for me to like a lot of drama.
The book instead I liked that certain issues are treated very lightly, almost casually. When are these arguments, in a story, it is right, and that also must be thoroughly investigated. I realize, however, that, with these supplements reflections, the book would be too long and may have become boring, so even that's right. I gave it four stars for this reason, besides the fact of the thirty pages of boring, but I was undecided whether to give four or five, so I'm four, but count them as well as four thirty.
I almost forgot! It 'a serious reading and challenging, so avoid to give it to your grandson of ten years, rather a box of Lego.


Mr. Mercedes-rewiew★★★☆☆

Three days ago, more or less, I have finished the fifth read author Stephen King (over Shining, 22.11.63, Carrie-The look of Satan and Dreamcatcher); I'm talking about Mr. Mercedes, released in bookstores last year (for those who have no idea, 2014), published by Sperling & Kupfer.
It is a "yellow" sub-genre thriller. I think almost everyone at least once they have heard of, but, otherwise, I spend two words more to explain here.
"Yellow" is a genre developed in the twentieth century; the main object of this reading is the description of a crime and the characters involved, victims or perpetrators.
The thriller mainly uses suspense as the main element, and through advances creates situations of expectation and insecurity, or anxiety.
Brief presentation of the author; Stephen Edwin King, born in 1947, is a writer and screenwriter, one of the most acclaimed authors of science fiction books, but especially horror, rediscovered by critics especially from the nineties and still until now acclaimed and loved by millions of readers.

In 2009 a psychopath invests a dozen people waiting at a Job Fair, with a stolen Mercedes.
One year after the retired detective Bill Hodges receives a letter from this murderess, who challenges him to try to catch him and even insists on further review the last year on a chat site, under the blue umbrella Debbie.
Thus began a long and exhausting manhunt and Hodges and his assistants improvised will have to jump through hoops to find out who really is behind Mr. Mercedes, and a terrific smile.

"Absolutely your, Mr. Mercedes."

Sorry about the thinness of the number of sentences for this book, but really I do not find any (yes, I admit, I look on the internet, but you can not expect me to remember all). I make it up with the next book that I review tomorrow, The Solitude of Prime Numbers, the book that has impressed me from the first page, but you will discover tomorrow what I think.
(Ah, I feel that I'm currently reading Romeo and Juliet, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Pride and Prejudice, Memoirs of a Geisha, Me before you, It and Shadowhunter [first] so who could interest their reviews, I invite him to visit in the coming days [perhaps weeks, It is longish] blog).
I loved Mr. Mercedes, because, unlike some books by Stephen King (beautiful anyway huh), I found this very dynamic, full of facts that were happening one after the other continuously. Initially, however, there was a debut a bit slow, up to page fifty, or so, and I when I started, I thought of not being able to move forward. By and by, however, I overcome it and then I was happy, because it was a good read and even light. Anxiety final lost me almost ten years of life, but other than that nothing. Indeed, there is a scene where I got really upset, but it's part of the risk of reading the books of King. I'm going to start reading his other books, including Insomnia, which inspired me from the title, and Christine-The infernal machine, wich I had already started reading but I was not able to finish.
Well, I would say that Mr. Mercedes could be recommended reading (for those who like the genre, especially) and I anticipate already that tomorrow you'll find a papyrus, such as review of The Solitude of Prime Numbers, because I liked it so much that I want to try to convey more emotion than I can.
Quiero advice on codest books, which would read:
For now,

Good afternoon
laranakermit19 = D

domenica 13 settembre 2015

L'ultima canzone-recensione★★★★☆

L'ultima canzone è uno dei libri meglio riusciti di Nicholas Sparks.
Pubblicato nel 2009 da Frassinelli, si tratta di un romanzo rosa; la trama si basa infatti sulla storia d'amore di due ragazzi (Ronnie e Will) nel corso di un'estate.
Sparks  è nato nel 1965 in Omaha, ed è uno scrittore statunitense. Ha ricevuto un'educazione cattolica che ha influenzato tutti i romanzi scritti in seguito, che hanno sempre come temi principali, oltre all'amore, anche il destino, la fede e Dio. Per ulteriori informazioni guardare la scheda dell'autore su Le pagine della nostra vita.

Veronica Miller e il fratello più piccolo vengono "obbligati" dalla madre a passare l'estate dal padre, Steve, il quale vive in North Carolina. Ronnie ha però un risentimento con il padre, convinta del fatto che il genitore si sia allontanato da lei per seguire le proprie aspirazioni musicali. 
Ma la vacanza cambierà la sua vita e la sua visione del mondo, incontrerà Blaze e conoscerà Will; ma, cosa più importante di tutte, vedrà suo padre per quello che è e per quello che è sempre stato, e riuscirà finalmente ad instaurare dei veri rapporti, a crescere e maturare.

"Al principio c'è il mistero, al termine la conferma,
ma in mezzo ci sono le emozioni che arricchiscono l'intera esperienza."

"Di solito la voce di Dio non è che un bisbiglio,
e bisogna ascoltare con grande attenzione
per distinguerla."

"Per quanto la vita possa essere complessa
e nonostante ci siano rimpianti,
ci sono stati momenti in cui mi sono sentito sinceramente toccato dalla grazia."

L'ultima canzone è veramente il tipo di libro che merita di essere letto.
Mi è piaciuto fin dalle prime pagine e, sebbene io non creda che possa anche solo esistere una storia come questa, che è fin troppo romantica e principesca, mi piacerebbe pensare che qualcuno possa avere questa fortuna, anche se lo trovo difficoltoso.
E' scritto semplice e se siete lettori voraci (come nel mio caso) e soprattutto se amate Nicholas Sparks vi prometto che lo divorerete in due giorni, proprio come me. 
Lo consiglio soprattutto alle ragazze adolescenti che sognano ad occhi aperti la storia d'amore perfetta (o magari con qualche intoppo) che commuova fino alle lacrime.
A me è piaciuto, le descrizioni sono lunghe e dettagliate, e l'opera supera di dieci a zero Il posto che cercavo e Un cuore in silenzio, entrambi libri usciti dalla mano di Nicholas Sparks, ma non altrettanto belli.
Un libro molto commovente, che inumidisce gli occhi dalle ultime pagine. 
Un messaggio di vita molto bello.

The second short life of Bree Tanner-rewiew★☆☆☆☆

The last review of this blessed saga.
The short second life of bree tanner (it is written with the letters of the name in lower case because even the cover is written this way).
Published on June 5, 2010, and just three days later in Italy, the book concludes the saga of Twilight.
The protagonist and narrator is Bree Tanner, a character appeared in Eclipse, survived the battle waged by Victoria against the Cullens, but not the Volturi.
The cover is a small hourglass whose sand flowing quickly, short life metaphor memo Girl (Bree).
It is the urban fantasy genre, new to the books of the saga. The urban is a type of story, complete with fantastic elements, which takes place in an urban environment. It is no longer of paranormal romance, because there is a romance-country skiing, and if there is little manifested it does not matter.
The author is always Stephenie Meyer.

Bree has been transformed from Victoria; meets Diego, a little bigger, and falls in love.
Suddenly, he disappears, but during the clappers against the family of vampires of Forks, know that to kill her lover was Riley.

"The opinion of others do not interest me anymore.
Why should he? As said Riley, now I was a goddess.
Stronger, faster, better. "

There's really not much to say ...
The book is nothing of that, and above all it is important for the Mother History, the Twilight saga. It goes, Meyer could also help but write it, rather I would have preferred her to write (as is rumored) a book "mirror" of the first Twilight from Edward's point of view. It would be more interesting (and certainly more intelligent thoughts of Bella), pass though, right now, a "copy" of Grey I am, just come out.
It is a short book, easy to read and slide, suitable for all.
I gave it one star is because the levels of New Moon or Eclipse, even if those were at least consistent with the history and without them there would not be the last book.
I leave (for the uninitiated, the other two reviews were published this morning, translations of previous check out).

laranakermit19 (;